Instagram a Day: Day 7

Christmas morning, after all the unwrapping, our cat Odin laid down on the coffee table amongst the gifts. He usually wants to be where the action is and he loves to lay on uncomfortable items, like scissors. I love this photo of him on the wonderful book “The Snowman”, which was a gift to myContinue reading “Instagram a Day: Day 7”


My family and I recently watched Hugo one and a half times. One and half times you ask? Yes, one and a half times, because my husband stopped watching and then had to leave half way through the first time. This award winning film was directed by the man himself, Martin Scorsese, known for hisContinue reading “Hugo”

Short Story Preview #3

Sneak Peek at short story #3: “A Brief History of a Life”, 1st paragraph “She sat in the one room house with the dirt floor in a crude wooden chair starting at a dead owl hanging upside down in front of her. She reached out and gently touched the feathers with her fingertips. They wereContinue reading “Short Story Preview #3”

Short Story Preview #2

Sneak Peek at short story #2: “Elaine’s Adventures in Reality”: “She was starting to feel back to normal when at quarter to 4:00 Norm Poleski came bursting through the door. His brown suede coat got caught on the handle, he cursed under his breath and yanked it back into his possession. Norm was the regionalContinue reading “Short Story Preview #2”

Short Story Preview #1

A sneak peek at my first short story. The working title is “The After Journal.” Here is the first paragraph, enjoy! “When the bombs went off there was much confusion. Perhaps it was an earthquake, a gas line rupture or a plane crash, but when we saw clouds of smoke and debris high in theContinue reading “Short Story Preview #1”

I wrote a book!!!

I have been writing poetry since I was a teenager. I put together a best of the best and illustrated it as well! It is a part of my soul and I created it’s contents with my own hands. It will be available on Amazon within the week. Right now you can purchase it throughContinue reading “I wrote a book!!!”