New Adventures

It has been many moons since I posted anything in my blog. Life has been uber busy. We moved 2 hours away to the foothills of Virginia. I finished my 1st year as an art teacher. Above my desk.  I had my 3rd child, sweet little Scarlett, on April 22.          Continue reading “New Adventures”

Long Time No See

Hello WordPress World! I haven’t posted a damn thing since August and now it’s… what… wait… January? Ok yeah it really is January, phew! Since my last post I have completed my student teaching, graduated from college with a BA in Fine Arts with a side of Cum Laude, applied for my teaching license, applyingContinue reading “Long Time No See”

Richmond Architecture

I haven’t had time to do any blogging in the past month. I am missing it. I just bought my own laptop, so I might have more time to do such. Sunday nights are probably my only time to really relax and say f-it to all the things I could possibly be doing that IContinue reading “Richmond Architecture”

Life can be a Whirlwind

Blogging looks like it will be taking a break for a bit. I just started back at VCU. I’m taking 3 classes, but 2 are 400 level and 1 includes a teaching practicum. I am also preparing for the class I will start teaching in 3 weeks. On top of that my husband is alsoContinue reading “Life can be a Whirlwind”

Two hundred and thirty four

I really love this photo! It was evening and the sun was shining just right through the window of my old bedroom at my parent’s house. My daughter and I were hanging out. She was playing on the floor and we had the radio on. I decided to take some shots using the lovely light.Continue reading “Two hundred and thirty four”

Teaching Job!

I am beyond excited! I went to an interview Wednesday for a teaching position. It is for the Adult Continuing Education program teaching a digital photography class. Between my resume and references it wasn’t even an interview. It was hey, nice to meet you, here is the job! Teaching photography is what I really wantContinue reading “Teaching Job!”

Two hundred and twenty five

I love this photo! It was one of the first cool days of late summer in Virginia. My daughter and I were sitting on the bench swing at my parent’s house. There is something magical about a cool summer day. It makes you realize Fall is coming soon. The changes of the seasons are always special, noContinue reading “Two hundred and twenty five”

Two hundred and eighteen and nineteen

Both of these shots were taken in the backyard of the apartment we ended up renting. It was August last year and I snatched up a cheap apartment even though we didn’t end up moving in until November. The backyard’s fence was the wall of the City Point National Cemetery in Hopewell, Virginia. I reallyContinue reading “Two hundred and eighteen and nineteen”


I have always loved dragonflies. At some point my Mom and I started buying each other things with dragonflies on them. Whenever I see one now it reminds me of her. I know they always will, even when she is no longer in this realm with me and that gives me comfort. These are photographs IContinue reading “Dragonflies”

Someone Lingers

Someone woke me up this morning Sleeping deep in a dream of dreams A light touch of a hand brushed against my hair I woke with a start realizing my hour away obligation In my haze of slumber I hear my husband snoring The cat is not on the bed I say thank you Thank youContinue reading “Someone Lingers”