Instagram a Day: Day 4

Taken at the beginning of the holiday bake fest. The first thing I baked for the holidays this season was a loaf of pumpkin bread. Every year my family and I go the pumpkin patch like good consumers. Most years my Mom steams a pumpkin for such baking needs. Sometimes I do the same ifContinue reading “Instagram a Day: Day 4”


Wow falling behind on my blogs. Don’t think I will be able to get caught up soon as life keeps moving forward and there is always a million things to do. Day twenty-nine I was feeling MUCH better than I had in almost three weeks. I had enough energy to steam a pumpkin and roast pumpkinContinue reading “Twenty-nine”


On day fifteen my wonderful family and I took a trip to the pumpkin patch. An awesome place called Silo Christmas Tree Farm, whom at Halloween has pumpkins and in the spring has an Easter egg hunt. It is one of the oldest dairy farms in central Texas, although no longer used for milking cows. A very magical kind ofContinue reading “Fifteen”