Instagram a Day: Day 4

Taken at the beginning of the holiday bake fest. The first thing I baked for the holidays this season was a loaf of pumpkin bread. Every year my family and I go the pumpkin patch like good consumers. Most years my Mom steams a pumpkin for such baking needs. Sometimes I do the same ifContinue reading “Instagram a Day: Day 4”

One hundred & eleven

I was getting ready to do some baking. I don’t remember what, maybe banana bread. I had wanted to try this shot before, but hadn’t. I sat my camera on the stove, it wasn’t on of course. I set the self-timer stepped in front of the lens and started to tie my apron. This wasContinue reading “One hundred & eleven”

Seventy-six & seventy-seven

These two shots are the two days leading up to Christmas, Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve Eve. Every year we bake about four batches of cookies, sugar, gingerbread and chocolate chip usually. This year was no exception. Seventy-six I was actually really angry about something and was beating the heck out of that batter. IContinue reading “Seventy-six & seventy-seven”


Wow falling behind on my blogs. Don’t think I will be able to get caught up soon as life keeps moving forward and there is always a million things to do. Day twenty-nine I was feeling MUCH better than I had in almost three weeks. I had enough energy to steam a pumpkin and roast pumpkinContinue reading “Twenty-nine”


Over the last year or so I’ve started changing the way that I cook. Instead of always doing what is easy and pre-made, when I have time, I really take my time and add ingredients that I never used before, experimenting like a mad chemist. Since my husband’s return from Iraq in June he too has joined theContinue reading “Twenty”