New Adventures

It has been many moons since I posted anything in my blog. Life has been uber busy. We moved 2 hours away to the foothills of Virginia. I finished my 1st year as an art teacher. Above my desk.  I had my 3rd child, sweet little Scarlett, on April 22.          Continue reading “New Adventures”

One hundred and forty-four

 When your daughter is as smart, sweet, silly and cute as mine it’s hard not to take photos of her and with her. She’s usually my photographic subject. I love my kids with all my heart. Wow that was super cheesy. Not the greatest photo, but it’s a special moment in time. They don’t stay little forContinue reading “One hundred and forty-four”

One hundred & thirty-three

 I love this photo! It truly was a happy moment and I just happened to grab my camera and snag a photo. Had both my babies on my lap and we were laughing and carrying on. Good times! “Having a place to go – is a home. Having someone to love – is a family.Continue reading “One hundred & thirty-three”

Photo Transfer Magnets

I have been wanting to do photo transfers FOREVER! I finally made some on a sheet of flat magnet that a friend gave me. Only 3 out of 8 turned out, but they look pretty sweet. Going to make more. For now check these out. They are also for sale in my Etsy Shop!  Continue reading “Photo Transfer Magnets”

One hundred & thirty

I think this was a Saturday or Sunday morning. My daughter was in her room watching some kids playing outside. I took some photos of her looking out the window and the lighting was so nice I decided to take my photo too. I like how the light makes different lines and shapes. It would be a goodContinue reading “One hundred & thirty”

Eighty-eight & eighty-nine

This was a very warm, sunny day, especially for winter. My children and I went out to play and enjoy the nice weather. My daughter and I were in the front yard. I had my camera, of course. These two shots are from that day. In the first photo I like the sunburst, but not completely happy with the overallContinue reading “Eighty-eight & eighty-nine”


Since my in-laws were still visiting and would be leaving soon, we decided to buy and put up a Christmas tree a bit early. I also think my husband was excited about it because he was not home last year for Christmas. He was in Iraq. On day fifty-three we decorated our real tree, ourContinue reading “Fifty-three”


Day fifty-two was my daughter’s 1st birthday party. Hence why there is yet another shot of her and I. I am not happy with this photo. The weight I have gained is visible in my fat cheek. My hair is semi-wet and looks all jacked up. Melora was rubbing her nose with her fist. However it was busy dayContinue reading “Fifty-two”


Over the last year or so I’ve started changing the way that I cook. Instead of always doing what is easy and pre-made, when I have time, I really take my time and add ingredients that I never used before, experimenting like a mad chemist. Since my husband’s return from Iraq in June he too has joined theContinue reading “Twenty”