Instagram a Day: Day 6

A very wet, rainy December day. It is magic what water can do to objects. How it can transform them from something mundane to something much more interesting. Water droplets in particular can make the world look so different, if you look through them. 😉 I really love this photo. I think it is oneContinue reading “Instagram a Day: Day 6”

Two hundred and forty four, five, six and seven

All four of these shots where taken with my crappy cell phone. The first one was at my parent’s house. The other three were in different bathrooms, haha. The only one I like is 247. I really like the water on the mirror and how it distorts my reflection. Other than that these photos SUCK!Continue reading “Two hundred and forty four, five, six and seven”

Unexplained Paranormal Bathroom Photo

I had taken this photo as part of a photo a day project with the prompt being “Water.” A simple shot with my iPhone, using an app I really like called TtV Camera of the bathroom faucet with the water running. I posted it on Facebook and didn’t think too much of it. One ofContinue reading “Unexplained Paranormal Bathroom Photo”

Two hundred and twenty eight and nine

These shots were taken at another of my all time favorite places in the world, Maymont. It is a huge estate park in Richmond, Virginia. It has a petting zoo, wild animals and birds, beautiful gardens, trails, a waterfall, a mansion, the list goes on. I have been going there since I was a kidContinue reading “Two hundred and twenty eight and nine”

One hundred and ninety-six

This shot was taken with my son’s point and shoot Nikon. It was a very hot central Texas summer day. Our time there was winding down. I took the kids out early to a small playground and park on Fort Hood behind one of the on-post churches. It was a lovely garden with a pondContinue reading “One hundred and ninety-six”

One hundred and sixty-six

We had some rain! I took my camera outside to take some photos of the world as it was covered in a layer of water. I thought it would be neat to take a photo of my reflection in a puddle. It was much harder than I thought it would be. The sun had to be in justContinue reading “One hundred and sixty-six”

One hundred and sixty-two

I had been wanting to do a shower shot for a while. I finally set up the tripod and flash one evening.  I was really going for the action of the water. This didn’t quite come out how I wanted it. I envisioned something different, but the fact that I finally did it was enoughContinue reading “One hundred and sixty-two”

One hundred and forty-eight

 My son and I went to the BLORA Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt on Belton Lake in Belton, Texas. We had walked around and did some of the activities and as we were waiting for the sun to go down, so the egg hunt could start, we walked over to the lake. My son loves nothing moreContinue reading “One hundred and forty-eight”


I’ve always been interested in reflections, not just from a photography stand point, but in general. They catch and hold my attention. This night I was in the kitchen cooking, as usual. I had just dumped a pot of boiled potatoes in the strainer in the sink. All that steam caused some major condensation on the window. I grabbedContinue reading “Fifty-six”


What do you know? Another last-minute shot. The days go by so fast and before I know it it is night and I’m exhausted and haven’t taken any photos. This particular one I was going for some sort of strange position with my hand and arm. A little mystery and some flow to the image. The bestContinue reading “Thirty-eight”