Instagram a Day: Day 6

A very wet, rainy December day. It is magic what water can do to objects. How it can transform them from something mundane to something much more interesting. Water droplets in particular can make the world look so different, if you look through them. 😉 I really love this photo. I think it is oneContinue reading “Instagram a Day: Day 6”

One hundred and fifty-seven

 I was watching an old episode of Ghost Hunters that I somehow had never seen, I thought I had seen them all at this point. It was the one were they go to Ireland. In the second half they go to these ruins out in middle of a field somewhere and Grant sitts out thereContinue reading “One hundred and fifty-seven”

One hundred and thirty-nine

My daughter and I took a walk to the shoppette to get a gallon of milk. It was a lovely March morning. We were crossing this field and the green of the grass and the blue of the sky and the white fluffy clouds drew me in. I stopped and took a few shots. A cloud moved away fromContinue reading “One hundred and thirty-nine”

One hundred and thirty-eight

This was on St. Patrick’s Day. Which makes me realize how behind I am on these blogs; also on my photos. I haven’t been taking one a day. I am having a photographer’s block when it comes to this project. The photos I want to take, take too much time and with a 1 and a half-year old most days thereContinue reading “One hundred and thirty-eight”

Original Heart Design Image Transfer Magnets

Like I promised I made some more magnets. I created the design in Photoshop, used only black ink and a little acyclic paint for color. Image transfers are pretty fun, you never really know how they are going to turn out. These three are for sale in my Etsy Shop, along with many other goodies.

One hundred & twelve & thirteen

 Both of these photographs were inspired by just looking down. One day I was wearing this necklace, it’s a heathergem. I bought it at a celtic fest a few years back. It is made with old, dried up heather stems. They dye them, compress them, slice it up, polish them and add them to jewelry settings.Continue reading “One hundred & twelve & thirteen”


Christmas morning with my Christmas socks in front of the Christmas tree with the Christmas presents all around. I have had these socks for a few years now and I always wear them to bed on Christmas night. They are fun. I guess I am into my own sort of traditions. “One can never haveContinue reading “Seventy-eight”


I keep getting futher and further behind on my blogs. I am now on about 109 of my photos and only 73 of my blogs. Ack! I’m starting to forget why I did them. This one was taken from our family Christmas photo (see below). I had been really enjoying the look of the double mirroredContinue reading “Seventy-three”


What do you know? Another last-minute shot. The days go by so fast and before I know it it is night and I’m exhausted and haven’t taken any photos. This particular one I was going for some sort of strange position with my hand and arm. A little mystery and some flow to the image. The bestContinue reading “Thirty-eight”